Flight Day To Florida


Here Iam hanging out at the airport.

Flight Day

Hello Again From Ava. 

Today mommy and I boarded a plane to go to Florida. I was good until I started to get anxious. Mommy gave me the pills my vet gave her. But it didn’t kick in for two hours. He told mommy to give them to me hour before we flew. Well it was a long time before I settled. Mommy was worried it wouldn’t work.
I whined a bit and barked a little bit. But the other passengers didn’t seem to mind. They understood that I was a little scared of all the noises

Once we got off the plane and we went to baggage claim, I seen Papa and a man I’ve never met before waiting for us. We got our bags and went out into the Florida air. It was so warm. My paws on the ground felt so good under me.
I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Ava Maria

Hanging out on the couch. While Papa was on the computer, I fell asleep here for a couple of hours.IMG_7580

3 thoughts on “Flight Day To Florida

  1. Janice Wald says:

    I like your dog. I have three dogs. I have never flown with my dog. I’ve been to Orlando Florida.
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