Yoga Doesn’t End On The Mat~How Do You Feel When You Miss Your Yoga Practice



What do YOU do when your not feeling the best, when the day and time gets away with you? How do you handle it? Do you still do Asana (poses) do you try to fit in some quiet time and meditate before the day ends?

Every one goes threw some time where they don’t feel like doing their Yoga practice, we beat ourselves up over it, we feel guilty.

I’m here to tell you that ITS OK. We are not perfect, time does get away from us, life does get busy.

I know that yoga doesn’t stop on the mat, we are always doing yoga threw out the day. So when time gets away with me I don’t feel bad that I may have missed my yoga practice. Here are some other things that we can do to feel like we have not missed our yoga practice.

  1. Just Breathe (taking deep breath’s)
  2. Reading
  3. Sitting quietly
  4. Coloring
  5. Listening to calming music (Zen music)
  6. Playing music
  7. Taking a walk in nature
  8. Un plugging and taking a vacation
  9. Walking along the beach, listening to the waves crashing along the sand
  10. Sitting quietly cross legged and meditate

Always remember Yoga Doesn’t End on the Mat. Yoga shows up threw out the day. So don’t feel bad if you missed your Yoga Practice.

25 Reasons To Do Yoga


Why Do People Do Yoga? There are many reasons why. Most want to do yoga to relax and a time to be still and to be healthy.

While different varieties of yoga offer different things (focused breathwork in kundalini; holding stretches for longer in hatha) they all share something in common: they’re great for your health! Yoga focuses on connecting breath to movement, which not only brings harmony to your mind and body but offers an amazing workout that builds strength, increases flexibility, and leaves you feeling both accomplished and a little more zen after all is said and done.

Whether you’re a beginner at yoga or you just haven’t been to a class in a while, here are 25 reasons to do more yoga for your mind, body and soul.


1.Energizes you for the day ahead

Energizes you for the day ahead Yoga gets your blood pumping and helps you shake the sleep from your eyes and shake out any cricks from your neck. Even doing a few sun salutations in the morning can help energize you for the day ahead and help start your morning off on a positive note.


2. Strengthens your muscles

Anyone who’s been to their first yoga class will probably tell you that it was harder than they thought. This isn’t to say that yoga is always difficult, but it certainly gets easier with time and flexibility. Yoga requires you to use your own body weight to push up, down, and bend into different poses. You’ll utilize nearly every muscle group.

3. Reduces stress

Yoga helps regulate your nervous system through deep breathing and awareness. It lowers your blood pressure, your heart rate, and allows you a calm space to be free from stressful interference’s or stimuli.   You may find that doing a regular yoga practice helps you be a calmer, more patient person in all aspects of your life.

4. Boosts your mood

Because it helps you manage stress, yoga can also improve your mood.

5. Provides relief for panic attacks

Panic attacks can be truly terrifying to anyone who suffers from them; your breathing gets shallow and rapid, your heartbeat quickens, and you start to feel as if you’re doomed to some terrible fate. This unfortunate sensation can be helped by yoga. How? Distressed breathing from a perceived threat is something that often occurs when you have a panic attack. You then notice you’re breathing shallowly, and your panic increases. If you can slow down and notice your breath—as you’re taught to do in a yoga practice—you can calm your nervous system and lessen the severity of an attack.

6.  It Can Help you lose weight

You’ll not only burn some calories, but being aware of your body and how you feel in it can help you be more mindful in all areas of your life—when you’re eating, exercising, etc. If you really want to burn calories in a yoga class you’ll have to get your heart rate up—so try an Ashtanga, Vinyasa, or Power Yoga class instead of a more relaxing class. Some Yoga Sculpt classes, for instance, incorporate hand weights into movements to up the intensity of the movements.


7. Aids in digestion

Certain yoga poses help massage your internal organs and stimulate them, calming digestive discomfort and helping get things moving if you’ve been constipated. Poses like twists and inversions can help regulate your digestive system, and the calming effects of yoga can also settle your tummy if your issues are anxiety-related.

8. Improves your balance and stability

Perhaps the most obvious benefit of yoga is that it can improve your balance—a skill needed for pretty much any physical activity you do, and one that is increasingly important as you get older to help avoid falls or injury. Yoga is full of poses that require you to stand on one leg or balance on one side, like tree pose, mountain pose, and triangle pose to name a few. By practicing them often you’ll improve your balance and stability

9. Engages your core

Because you’ll be balancing a lot or holding certain poses for a while, you’re forced to engage your core. Not only does this strengthen your core and help sculpt your abs, but having a strong core protects your back from injury. Being able to engage your core in difficult movements takes the stress off other parts of your body, namely your back!


10. Puts you in the present moment

Can’t sleep at night? Troubled by stress that seems to lie just below the surface of your thoughts? It could be partly due to our fast-paced world which demands us to constantly multi-task and be thinking of three things at once. By connecting breath to movement, yoga brings you back to the present moment—the only one we have.


11. Increases range of motion and flexibility

As we age, our joints can get stiff and sore and we can be afflicted with problems such as arthritis or joint pain. Holding different yoga poses can increase our flexibility and range of motion, keeping our joints pain-free.

12. Helps detoxify your body

Yoga assists your body’s natural detoxification process. Yoga poses like twists (such as chair pose with twist) help wring out the organs and rid the body of toxins. Plus, sweating as you flow through your practice helps detox the body all the more.

13. Improves your posture

Yoga is all about proper postural alignment. If you find yourself slouching a lot, doing yoga regularly can help improve your posture and be more aware of when your body is out of alignment.

14. Keeps your lungs healthy

Deep yogic breathing helps lung function, and a new study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine confirms that regular yoga can boost your lung function and capacity. How? Your lungs are similar to muscles in that they need to be worked in order to stay healthy—otherwise they can become rigid and you’ll end up taking shorter breaths. In yoga, you take full, deep breaths that helps fully expand your lungs and improves their function.

15. Builds resilience and self-confidence

When you’re faced with a challenging pose, yoga teaches you to face it head on, and to face feelings of discomfort and uncertainty. When you can sink into a pose even if it’s uncomfortable or difficult, you come out the other side feeling more confident and resilient, building your mental toughness.

16. Helps you connect to others

If you’re practicing yoga in a group setting, there can be a great sense of oneness or unity during a yoga class. You’re sharing a space and all breathing in peace together—it can be powerful to feel boundaries or divisions fade away and realize that you’re all there to practice the same thing.

17. Boosts circulation

Good blood circulation is critical to your overall health. yoga increases lung compasity, particularly in poses called “inversions” where you’re slightly upside down. Poses like legs up the wall or forward folds use gravity to re-stimulate blood flow.

18. Improves focus and concentration

By quieting your mind and shutting out distractions, you train yourself to pay deep attention to one thing at a time. In yoga, it’s your breath, but learning this skill can help you in all areas of your life more deeply focus on the task at hand without getting distracted by multi-tasking or other thoughts.

19. Helps you feel more gratitude

Often we go through our busy day flitting from task to task without stopping to marvel at one simple thing: our ever-steady breath, which reminds us that we are alive. Noticing this gift helps us tune back into gratitude.

20. Helps you work through difficult emotions

The next time you’re angry and about to say something you regret, take a deep breath. Notice how different you feel? Because yoga teaches us to pay attention to and focus on our breath, it allows us to notice when our emotions affect our breath—when we’re angry, sad, or scared, we naturally breathe more shallowly. By teaching you to get in tune with your breath, you can work through negative emotions with self-compassion—allowing you to respond to life with patience rather than solely react to things with your first reaction.

21. Reduces inflammation

Inflammation is associated with many chronic diseases such as arthritis, cancer, and heart disease—and researchers have found that regular yoga can reduce inflammation. A study published in The Journal of Critical Oncology asked a group of breast cancer patients to attend yoga classes twice a week for twelve weeks. At the end of the trial, laboratory markers for inflammation levels had decreased by as much as 10-15%, aside from the patients’ own testimonies that they felt better and less fatigued.

22. Alleviates chronic pain

Yoga has been shown to help alleviate pain and can actually change the way our brain learns to perceive pain. According to a Harvard medical study, yoga can be compared to regular exercise.

23. Improves sleep

Constant stress can take a toll on not only our minds but our bodies as well. Being unable to sleep no matter how tired you are is a sign that you could be dealing with chronic stress. Luckily, a regular yoga practice can calm both your body and mind, alleviating the physical and mental symptoms of stress and helping you to get a better night’s sleep.

24. Eases tension headaches

Next time you have a headache, try a few yoga poses before you pop medication. Doing inversion poses where your head is below your heart help boost your circulation and stretch out sore spots in your head and neck, getting the blood and oxygen flowing and hopefully relieving that pain!

25. It’s a great way to end your day

Stretch out those kinks from sitting at a desk all day, or spend a few minutes lying in savasana (or corpse pose) to find peace and stillness after a long day. Whatever brings you to your mat today, know that you’re doing something helpful for your body and mind.

Stay Calm and Breathe The Lifestyle